Originally the society was formed for the interest of both hauntings and other strange phenomenon in Mobile.  The idea rose from two co-workers that had been discussing these events decided to take the next step and see if there was any truth in the rumors that they had heard over the years. Both have had their own occurences during their lifetime and knew they would need help in investigating these claims.

Right from the start the society began investigating public areas. During these small investigations they were able to capture enough evidence that would take them further into the more haunted areas and locations in the city. The evidence they collected intrigued others and piqued their curiosity and the team started to take shape.

“It feels good to bring professional help to people who have these obscure problems, especially when there is no readily available system or organization in place to help them with this specific problem. We validate what our clients feel and we help them if there is an alternative explanation. ”

We are here to help


our story

Our history


Formation of the Society

Josh Savell and Josh Wilson were co-workers. One night while working midnight shift, they began discussing their interest in different paranormal subjects. After a few nights of discussion they thought it would be neat to investigate the claims of rumored haunted local areas. A plan was put forth in motion to try to assemble a team and to get the necessary equipment to conduct these investigations.


Setting the Idea in motion

In the following months avenues of education in the subject became available and Josh Savell engrossed himself in Parapsychology classes at the Rhine Research Center. Equipment began to be purchased and recruitment of the initial team had begun. During this time frame visits to some public places to test out the equipment were made and these "mini-investigations" were deemed to be successfull.


Our First Non-Public Investigation

In November Savell and Wilson took what they had learned from the mini-investigations they had been conducting and applied it to their first Non-Public investigation. They chose the Malaga Inn for this honor. It had been voted as one of the top 10 haunted hotels in USAToday.


Conduct First Residential Investigation

Author/Team member Monica Bullock brought us our first residential investigation. It was the first time of having physical contact with an entity in a negative manner.


Continue to Investigate

Throughout the rest of the year MAPS continued to investigate public, residential, and non-public locations and started finding their groove.


Gaining Momentum

In 2024 MAPS began to gain traction with attracting followers. Members began helping other Investigation Groups with events and began to consider expanding their media influence. They continue to network and evaluate possibilities and most importantly help the people that contact them for their services.

We Are Experienced

More than a feeling

When we are contacted to investigate locations we look for evidence that correlates with the experiences that are being had. We never jump to a conclusion based of just a feeling alone. There are instances that there are scientific explanations for what is occurring and there are instances that there is no explanation for what is occurring. MAPS utilizes the scientific method while investigating. We process the investigation utilizing the following:

Scientific Explanations
Investigator Exeperiences
Religious Ideology

Come Investigate with Us!

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Our Family

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do not wait, let’s talk

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Saraland, AL

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